Celebrating Black Books Since 1998
Book Information
Discover our curated and expanding collection of Black literature spanning a century. Explore reviews, bestsellers, award winners, excerpts, publisher details, and diverse purchase options. Visit our Books Section ►
Author Profiles
Explore profiles of over 7,000 authors and illustrators, featuring biographies, published works, interviews, videos, and more. Discover writers across every genre from the U.S., Africa, and the African Diaspora. Visit our Authors Section ►
Book Reviews
Browse nearly 1,200 book reviews and hundreds of film critiques, offering diverse insights and perspectives. Visit our Reviews Section ►
Book Festivals and Events

Explore nearly 150 upcoming book fairs and conferences over the next year, plus videos, articles, and photos from events we've covered since 1998. Visit our Events Section ►
Resources for Writers & Publishers
Discover invaluable resources for professional and aspiring writers, including manuscript editing, book printing, tools, and articles to craft your best book. Explore lists of bookstores, book clubs, websites, and advertising options to connect with readers. Visit our Resources Section ►
Discussion Forums

We hold interesting conversions on Black literature, culture, blogging and website strategies, poetry, and more. Share your ideas and Join the Conversation ►

The mission of #readingblack is to encourage everyone to read quality books written by Black people and to purchase those books from independent booksellers. We strive to develop strategies that will make it easier for book buyers to support our mission. Join the #readingblack Movement.